
Wedding Cake Flavor Advice - One Flavor or More?

Initially I thought it would be fun to have more than one flavor combo for each tier of my 4 tier wedding cake. Then, after talking to the baker it occured to me that maybe that's too complicated. The baker is happy to do what we want, but how do you pass out cake that offers multiple flavors & fillings and get it all straight! To me it seems like we (the bride & groom) should just choose what we want ... one cake flavor & filling ... and be done with it.

Doesn't having multiple flavors to choose from just create unnecessary confusion for the guests & the servers to boot? And all 4 tiers will get cut into leaving exposed, leftover cake instead of just cutting what is needed to serve the guests, right?

We are having a chocolate fountain (with dipping items), fruit, crackers & cheese for snacks after the party gets rolling into the night, so there is some variety of treats other than just the wedding cake.

Has anyone had a multiple flavor wedding cake? How did it go?


Our cake had three flavors, one for each tier. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. It didn't cause any confusion.

We had the reception folks cut the cake into serving pieces while guests were eating dinner. Then the cake was passed out as dessert. The leftovers were wrapped up and put on a table close to the door. Guests either ate the piece they got, or they traded with someone else at the table. If they wanted another piece as they were leaving, they just picked up one they wanted.

We avoided confusion by not giving guests a choice as to what flavor they wanted. They were handed a piece of cake, and either they liked it or they didn't. This seemed fair to me, since they wouldn't have a choice either if all the cake were the same flavor.

However, if you only like one flavor, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But if you want more than one, go for it. Things will be fine!


Now get your lifetime memebreship
at Dream Cakes Made Easy!

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