
Decorating Wedding & Other Celebration Cakes

Catherine prepared an e book for you -that is actually lifetime memebreship!

Here is what she has to say:

Dream Cakes Made Easy
is like no other place on Internet (maybe I should be more modest, but that is the thuth! If you find aynithing even close to this live e-book, please let me know and I will give it to you for free!

It covers in one place all the basic knowledge that you need to start cake decorating or improve your techniques. It has been written for beginners and intermediate cake decorators to enhance their styles and improve their performance as well as expanding their creative instincts.
The first section of the e book covers the equipment that you will need.

Unexpectedly I found that the imperative needs of cake decorating are not expensive, and in many cases can be replicated by tools that you already have in the kitchen. There is also a small section of tools that make the job easier if you are going to make commercial type cakes. By these I mean large wedding cakes as opposed to the kids birthday cakes.

The section on techniques covers all types of cake decorating ideas with practical down to earth no nonsense instructions. It has been written in basic simple English so everyone can understand the instructions. In many cases there are illustrations of the techniques so that you can follow the instructions visually as well. There is certainly nothing gobbledegook here it is easy to follow.

I was amazed and delighted to realise how many icings, glazes and frostings there were I thought in my blissful ignorance there were about mat be eight to twelve. There is almost that number of types of icings in the e book on molding icing. Never sure what type of frosting to use in hot weather never fear this e book tells you about all the properties.

I was amazed that by using simple techniques you can make icing more glossy and shiny. Funny I had always associated icing with a sort of old fashioned women’s institute idea, but I was heartened how easy it all appeared when explained in simple terms.

If you are from the States you in for a bigger treat as many of the icings are taken from Europe. Anyone who has ever travelled in Europe and eaten its chocolate cakes, the Sacher torts and the linzer torts know how exquisite they taste. All the types of icing are explained and there was not an American type frosting in sight.
The stress behind the e book is not which is best Stateside or Europe that is completely incidental and the book makes it quite clear that is a matter of personal taste.

What the book really stresses is how to choose an icing by its taste, and how it stands up to the conditions expected of it. Not only are the recipes for many types of icing given but also for the cakes as well. Here again the emphasis is on taste. There are clear explanations as to why certain cakes are used and why. For instance there is a recipe for a rich genoise sponge.

There is the history and recipe of the famous recipe from Genoa, but it is a light sponge and it will not tolerate the weight of a large amount of icing on it as well as other layers of cake. Within minutes you will know how and why to select your ideal cake recipe.

In short this book is beautifully written for the beginner to intermediate user. Whilst it does tell you how to make all the different types of icing it also suggests what to do if you are constrained by time. It explains the best places to buy pre purchased icings and what sort of quality you can expect.

It taught me one thing that cake decorating is creative but everyone has the talent to tap into his or her imagination. As the instructions are simple in the sense they emphasise that when you see a cake look at it from a design point of view how has it been constructed. Once you have worked that out it teaches you how to build the cakes of your dreams.

Most of all it accentuates the idea that cake decorating is fun and the wonderful thing about the whole procedure is that you can always enjoy the “mistakes”. It covers every technique you need to know from tempering chocolate to making little decorations from cut out shapes of icing, as well as making Santas and other figures for the festive holiday cakes.

The illustrations are fantastic and they cover baby showers, weddings engagements, retirements and groom cakes. If the cake is in your head you will find a clear idea how to execute that idea within the book. However there is nothing at all patronising about the way it is written it is jam packed full of information that you can use and absorb. Someone has written the recipes with a passion for creating great tasting cakes. There is a world of resources and experience just waiting to be passed on.

Now get your lifetime memebreship
at Dream Cakes Made Easy!

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