
Christmas Cupcake Decorating Idea and Tip

Some easy cupcake decorating ideas and tips for Christmas .

1. Mix green frostong, Light green, it only requires 4-6 drops of food coloring per qaurt of frosting. So 3 drops for a typical batch for 24 cupcakes.
use a star tip and a cloth or disposable frosting bag, you can find almost anywhere, they sell anything for kitchens. (or you can get the pre-colored frosting, and buy the twist on tips),

You can do one of two things, you can create a mound, on the entire cupcake, smaller towards the outside, and raise. Sort of like a christmas tree.
You can use all sorts of candies or spinkles to decorate the top. Simpe ones like Crushed color life savers, spinkles, even ones shaped like stars. Sometimes grocery stores put out christmas shapped spinkles. You can crush Candy canes, or just use Dots.
and on top, put a yellow star, with frosting, or candy.

Another simple one, is frosting the cupcake white and useing the green frostong to create a wreath. Using Stringy Twislers, and tying them into a bow, and crushing some candy for on top of the cupcake, and just be decorative. I've seen some that did little snow people inside the wreath.

Another great simple and quick one is flat frosting cupcakes, white red, and green, and using the opposing color, to make croses or x's on their cupcakes, as if it were a wrapped present. and you can use again the pully apart stringy twislers to make bow ties.

I've seen some other ones,Frosting Some as presents, and trees, and alternating them on a round raising platter, or having them sit on made brownies. so it's almost pyrimad like.

Or if you make more complex cupcakes, use of the spray gun, can really coem in handy.

I've seen a cute one my mother did, Which she used, white frosting, and mini candy canes, and she frosting each cupcake white, unevenling, and springled, white sugar (confectinary, and regular grad sugur, on top of the already white sugar, and stuck the mini candy caneson angles, so every two cupcakes' candy canes inter crossed, and she did it in a round single around a platter, with a bundt cake in the middle decorated like the north pole. It was really cute, she used chocolate santas, and filled the middle with typcal xmas ornaments.

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